The beautiful beaches in Porto de Galinhas are enough to make every vacation a worthwhile experience. But before you pack your suitcase and head to the place, these few facts will help you get to know it better.
It has a total of 59,281 inhabitants, of which mostly has fishing as a source of living.
Time Zone
Porto de Galinhas is a district of Ipojuca in the state of Pernambuco. Thus, being a part of the state, it follows the UTC/GMT -3 hours standard time zone.
Phone Code
The local area code for Porto de Galinhas is 081, while Brazil’s phone code is +55. So if you would be making a phone call to Porto de Galinhas, just key in Brazil’s code (+55) plus Porto de Galinhas’s area code (081) plus the phone number.
Porto de Galinhas uses the Real (R$) currency. It is fairly lower in value than a Dollar and a Euro, even with the ever-fluctuating exchange rate. Don’t forget to check the current exchange rate so you will be guided accordingly. Banks and travel agencies are some of the places where you can have your money exchanged.
When in Porto de Galinhas, you will experience generally hot weather. This is the climate in the area for almost the whole year. The average climate all year round falls from 24°C (75.20°F) to 32°C (89.60°F).
Important Numbers
You will need to remember some important phone numbers so you would know who to contact in times of trouble. You can contact the Porto de Galinhas Health Center through +55 (81) 3552-1574. To get some tourist information, you can also contact this number +55 (81) 3552-1480. And if you want to contact Ipojuca’s town center you may use these two numbers: +55 (81) 3551-1147 and +55 (81) 3551-1296.