Manaus has a lot of universities. While the national language is Portuguese and it is the primary medium of instruction, Spanish and English are still used and they are incorporated into the high school’s curriculum.
The Federal University of Amazonas or Universidade Federal do Amazonas is one of the public universities in Manaus. It is the oldest operating school in the country of Brazil. It offers different undergraduate and postgraduate degrees including Law and Social Communication, Medicine and Engineering. It currently has a total of 766 faculties in catering to these different degrees. One famous graduate the university was able to produce is Eduardo Braga, Amazonas’s governor.
The University of the State of Amazonas or Universidade do Estado do Amazonas is another university that is located in Manaus. It is a university that is operated by the state of Amazonas.
The other universities that are offered in Manaus are Centro Universitário do Norte or UNINORTE, Centro de Educação Integrada Martha Falcão, Centro Universitário de Educação Superior do Amazonas or CIESA, Centro de Ensino Superior Nilton Lins, Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas, Faculdade Boas Novas, Federal Center of Technological Education or Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica, Faculdade Metropolitana de Manaus, Lutheran University of Brazil or Universidade Luterana do Brasil, and Universidade Paulista.