In Amazonia, more than half of the plant species on Earth are found. The humidity and the warm climate of the rainforest are the basic necessities of plant species to reproduce and spread at its best. Thus, plants on rainforests need a lot of sustainability for them to survive and become means for other species’ survival as well.
The estimation of some experts reveal that in one square kilometer (247 acres), hundreds and thousands of trees and other high plant species exist. Base on a study conducted in 2001, more than 1,100 species of trees are being supported by an estimated quarter square kilometer (62 acres) of the Ecuadorian rainforest. Now, an estimated 438,000 living plants were registered in the region. Still, more living plant species of economic and social advantage remain to be discovered and recorded. Also, the expansion of the green leaf area of plants and trees is most rampant during dry seasons while during wet seasons, leaves undergo abscission. For such variation of happenings, this puts the carbon in balance at the midst of photosynthesis and respiration.
As human and animal population arise and as technological advancement become rampant, plants are still at danger in some manner. From this reason, we shall take into focus our need to put in action one of our duties as human and that is to take good care of the environment.
In the late years, indigenous tribes had used several plants in Amazonia that were proven to cure determinate body ailments. Recent studies show that most of the plants that exist in the jungle are useful in the formulation of effective medicines in the United States that help remedy and fight illnesses. Accordingly, over 200 types of plants available in rainforest are utilized in coming up around 650 kinds of medicines. Now, most of these medicines are used by many pharmaceutical companies and doctors for medicating cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s and arthritis. In such a way, keeping the Amazon at a sustainable state is like also maintaining the medicinal and nutritional capacity of plant species in the rainforest.