Being considered as the cultural capital of Brazil, the history of São Paulo is as varied and rich. Becoming an official city in 1711, São Paulo was founded in the 16th Century by Jose de Anchieta and Manuel da Nobrega who are both Jesuit missionaries. The city is the product of the priests’ mission to convert the people in Brazil to the Roman Catholic religion.
A group of explorers called the Bandeirantes has also significantly contributed to Sampa’s history and stability as a city. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the group played an important role in the expansion of Brazil’s territory beyond Tordesilhas Line. They are also credited for the discovery of a wide range of precious stones and metals in the city.
During the 19th Century, the city of São Paulo experienced economic prosperity when they ventured in the export of coffee. In the 20th Century, it had its industrial revolution that resulted to an economic boom in the later part of the century.
São Paulo further grew its prominence when the Largo São Francisco or the University of São Paulo’s Law School was established and is now considered to be among Brazil’s first institutions.
With a long and colorful history, there sure is a lot to expect and experience in the city of São Paulo.